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Maintaining Horse Trails - Building Friendships

Nails Creek Work Weekend

  • 19 Oct 2012
  • 5:00 PM
  • 21 Oct 2012
  • 12:00 PM
  • Lake Sommerville State Park Nails Creek Unit

TETRA will host a work weekend at Nails Creek on October 19-21.  Bring hand loppers, gloves, and pruners. 

The park will waive the entrance fee for those TETRA Volunteers who work at least 4 hours per day.  If further work is offered, the park will accept.  Other fees will still apply.   Call the Austin number in order to reserve the spot. ( 512-389-8900). This is to guarantee a spot in the Bent Tree camping loop. That time of year, when it is cooler, the park tends to fill up quicker, in the camping loops. ( Each person/couple/family will want to call, and make a reservation in the Bent Tree camping loop.) There are 8 people and 2 “vehicles” allowed at each campsite. (A horse or camper trailer falls under the definition of “vehicles”.) So…. If you have one truck pulling one trailer, that counts as the 2 vehicles allowed at each campsite.

Saturday night potluck supper will be served with TETRA providing the meat.

If you have any further questions, call Joe Garcia at 281-705-5025.

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